About the journal

Environmental issues are currently a topic of interest throughout the world. Regarding further development of the world's socio-economic systems, we must not forget that development is accompanied by the additional negative impact that may endanger the lives of future generations. In response to this danger, the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the UN are a kind of call to action to improve the well-being of and to protect our planet.

Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics (SDEE) is an international scientific journal that was founded by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2021. It was conceived as a platform for international knowledge exchange about the interrelations between sustainability, engineering economy, engineering infrastructure, management of innovations, management of enterprises, and regional development. We expect that papers published in SDEE will fill in the research gaps that occur at the intersections of these topics. Therefore, the results of the papers published in this journal will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals drafted by the United Nations (UN). The biggest contributions are expected to be made to the following goals: «Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all»; «Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth»; «Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure»; «Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities»; and «Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns».

Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics Journal was registered as a media source on November 15, 2022. Certificate number No. FS77-84202

SDEE presents contributions in the four main sections of the journal:

  • Economics of engineering and innovation decisions as a part of sustainable development
  • Enterprises and sustainable development of regions
  • Sustainable development of regional infrastructure
  • Management of knowledge and innovation for sustainable development

Publication languages:

  • English;
  • Russian, with the subsequent sending of material for translation by the journal editors office.

The target audience is Russian- and English-speaking readers. Readers from different countries could:

  • find an article by its English elements;
  • read the text of the article in their native language, using machine translation.

Peer review is double-blind, performed by third-party reviewers and members of the editorial board from a group of specialists in the field of peer-reviewing materials. The editorial board may reject articles submitted with extreme violations of the rules of the journal, or articles that do not correspond to the topics of the journal, or articles that do not correspond to the capabilities of the journal for its peer review.

The editors office does not charge the authors for reviewing and publishing the author's manuscripts. The editorial board of the journal fully covers all expenses related to the process of preparation, layout, and placement of articles on the journal's website.

The main purpose of the journal’s editorial board is to increase the accessibility of research written by Russian-speaking authors to an international audience. Thus, articles submitted in Russian are subsequently translated into English by professional translators at the expense of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. In addition, all articles are sent for final editing by native speakers, which allows you to maintain a high level of published materials. Thus, the journal provides an opportunity for Russian-speaking researchers to share the results of their work with the international community.

All articles have gold open access status. Articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

The authors must submit a licensing agreement signed by all authors. The authors are required to enter into lisence agreement on the transfer of the rights to use the Work of Intellectual Property to the Publisher. This may be submitted after the article has been accepted for publication.

Digital Preservation of articles is provided by:

  • the journal’s website,
  • the Electronic Library of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

The journal began publishing in the summer of 2021. The journal releases 4 issues per year.

Founder and Publisher: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Editor in chief: Doctor of Economics, professor, Irina Rudskaya
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
e-mail: rudskaya_ia@spbstu.ru

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