Contents and structure

Content and structure of the article

The journal “Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics” publishes original, previously unpublished articles containing new scientific results obtained by the authors, representing both international and local interest. Articles are published for a wide international readership.

The language of the articles is English or Russian.

Following paragraphs are required for the original research article according to the international standard IMRAD:

  1. Introduction begins with a description of the research object, then formulates the study relevance and background based on the literature review. It is necessary to specify the scientific problem and indicate its correlation with the tasks that need to be solved within the framework of the author's research. Also indicate what problems have not been solved in previous studies (a brief review of the literature), this article is intended to solve, and what is its significance for the development of a particular branch of science/human activity. In addition, this section should outline the key idea of the study and its difference from other modern interpretations and solutions, as well as suggest new original conclusions and recommendations, identify features and patterns. After setting the scientific problem, the purpose of the research should be formulated as clearly as possible.
  2. Literature review. This section provides an overview of the world literature, confirming the absence of a solution to this problem in the literature sources and/or indicating the experts on whose research this work is based. Also, special attention should be paid to the current views on the problem, and the list of unresolved issues (or their parts) that this article is intended to solve. It is recommended to consider about 20-40 sources, including foreign authors, as it is highly desirable to provide a small comparative analysis with foreign publications. This allows us to conclude that the problem has not really been solved or considered by other researchers before, so the author argumentatively seeks to solve it in his work, and his approaches and recommendations have signs of novelty.
  3. Materials and Methods describe in detail the selected research method. The method should be defined in such a way that another researcher could reproduce it and get similar results. In other words, this section provides detailed information about the object of the study, the sequence (phasing) of the study, and provides justification for the choice of methods used.
  4. Discussion. This section is characterized by the critical nature of the author's views on their research. Here it is necessary to explain as precisely and clear as possible the meaning of the results obtained in the previous section and to demonstrate how they relate to other studies presented in the international scientific arena. If the results have any limitations or specifics, this must also be specified. This section also welcomes the author's ideas and suggestions for further work on this issue, the prospects for the development of this study and its uniqueness.
  5. Results should preferably be presented in the form of tables, graphs, and other figures. This section includes the results themselves and their analysis, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors with links to their publications. All the results obtained should be described in as much detail as possible in order to be able to follow the course of the author's thoughts and assess the validity of the presented conclusions. This is the main section of the article, because it is in it that the evidence base of all previously stated author's hypotheses and subsequent conclusions is presented. The results should be brief, but informative, so that the reader has a complete understanding of the logic of the narrative, as well as why the author uses this data for analysis.
  6. Conclusion summarizes the results of scientific research. This section contains numbered conclusions that briefly formulate the main scientific results of the article as the dependencies (connections) established by the authors between the parameters of the object of research. It is important to remember that conclusions should logically correspond to the tasks set at the beginning of the article. The conclusion is the final part of the article, which should contain brief results, conclusions and suggestions (recommendations), as well as indicate the practical significance and give the author's forecast of the development of this study.
  7. Acknowledgments. This section is optional, it expresses gratitude for the financial, information, and other support provided during the writing of the article.

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